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wall backstreet back street alley alleyway gutter urban setting old dirty red Now because I have talked about these manumissions, and shewn their extent, it will not be amiss to subjoin an instance or two of such assertions, many individuals being ignorant in what state their forefathers lived, and so will not be capable of sufficiently valuing the liberty which we now get pleasure from. Free; of which there isn’t a word of truth, for servants are not mentioned within the Charter, which was confirmed by King Henry IV. Belonged to the Abbot of St. Bennet on the Holm, one part, of the reward of King Edward the Confessor, and of Elgelwin, a Saxon ealderman or thane, lord of it, below that prince, and the other, of the present of Ralph Earl of Norfolk, when he granted the burial of his spouse to that monastery, with the King’s consent; this half was held of the abbey on the Conqueror’s survey, by William de Warren, of whom Ralf Stalra held it, and the opposite half was held by Ralf de Beaufoe, of whom Eudo held it; the entire village being then six furlongs lengthy, and four broad, and paid 2d. to the geld or tax, in the direction of each 20s. raised by the hundred. The other, half which Eudo held of Ralf de Beaufo, he of the Earl Warren, and he of the Abbot of St. Bennet’s, got here to the Baniards, and passed in that household with Merton, which you may even see in vol.

Chapter 6 - Sara - BTTR Stories In 1318 Robert gave to the abbot of Langley 100 acres of land, and 5s. rent in Chatgrave and Whetacre, which he held of Robert Fitz Walter, as parcel of the manors of Whetacre and Chatgrave, &c. In 1251 Stephen de Redham had that half, and in 1275 Bartholomew de Redham impleaded Roger Baignard, and William his brother, within the Earl Warren’s court, at his castle of Castleacre, by the King’s writ, for 1 messuage, 66 acres of ground, 10 acres of marsh, and 10s. rent of assize in Great Hautbois; and in 1285, the King had the Lete over all Robert Baniard’s tenants; however in 1299, after an extended suit, Bartholomew de Redham recovered the manor towards Robert son of Robert Banyard, who renewed the action the 12 months following, and the sheriff accounted for 20l. for the income of this yr; and now it appeared that Bartholomew de Redham was diseised by the bailiffs of the Queen Consort, of a messuage, 120 acres of land, 20 of meadow, and of 5s. rent, which Bartholomew had simply recovered against Rob. However the Lete and superiour jurisdictions of all types all the time belonged to the Crown, and accordingly King Henry III. The Atlas, web page 271, says, Cowshill, a village on the banks of the Bure, to which Henry III.

Sir William de Hackford there; by letters patent dated at Woodstock, June, 13, 1231, granted to all men, girls, boys, and girls, born or to be born in his village of Couteshall, that they needs to be free from al Villenage of physique and blood, they and their households, in all elements of England, and that they shouldn’t be pressured to serve any places of work for anyone, except they preferred it, and that every one frays or trangression of bloodshed, bargains, and all quarrels and suits, regarding the town of Colteshall, needs to be decided twice every year, earlier than the King’s officers on the Letes there, and the natives of Colteshall; shall be free from Toll, by water and by land in all fairs and markets all through England, and from all stallage, poundage, and picage, being the King’s tenants, and as such, they have been to pay to him and his successours 20s. to the Aid, to make his eldest son, Knt. The founder appointed the almoner of St. Bennet to be principal guardian of this house, enjoining him to commit the custody of it to the master or custos of the hospital of St. James, at the pinnacle of the Causeway of St. Bennet on the Holm, who should yearly account with the almoner, and govern this house, by a deputy appointed by the mentioned grasp, who ought to be custos of this hospital, and as such, account yearly with the master of St. James’s hospital.

Wortham in Suffolk, he died in 1278, in order that this deed although ti hath no date, have to be before that time; this Giles granted to William de Hereford, rector of the mediety of the church of Wortham, Richard son of Hervy Ingald, with all his family, and all his chattels for two marks, and the said William, who had bought him, made him and all his descendents free, on condition that he and his successours for ever, should pay a penny a 12 months to the church of St. Mary at Wortham, upon the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, on the high altar, to find a light at that altar, and to the stated William and his successours three roots or races of ginger each Michaelmas day. The Hospital of St. Mary, commonly called God’s-home, at the pinnacle of Hobbies Causeway, which was based about 1235 by Sir Peter de alto Bosco or Hautbois, for his personal and ancestors souls, for the reception of travellers and poor individuals; he settled ten acres and one rood of land in Great-Hautbois, and 2 acres and an half, and all Millfen Marsh, by Great-Hautbois Causeway, and all the rents and services which Stephen de Walton and 26 different tenants paid, along with all his lands in Little-Hautbois, Worsted, Swannington, and Banningham, and Roger son of Roger le Povere, Roger Trussebut, and Sir Richard de Cham, Knt.

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