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Man alone in contemplative pose, lost in their thoughts, expressing a profound sense of sadness. From which Time to his Death, he liv’d a most exemplary Life, beloved and admir’d for his Virtue and Wisdom, his Death was extraordinarily Lamented, which happen’d on the twenty fourth of February Ano Dni’ 1684, Æt. 71. Sub eôdem Marmore jacet Filia ejus Maria quæ obijt Febr’ 18, 1696-7, Ano Æt. By his will, dated twenty seventh of January, 1584, he wills to be buried within the middle alley of Oxburgh, by Joan his late wife, and he was accordingly buried fifteenth of January, 1585, and must have been a very old man, if we consider him an abbot before the Dissolution. On the Dissolution of the abbey of West-Derham, the advowson of this church was given to Edward Lord Clinton in the 6th of Edward VI. 1539, Edmund Warter, alias Tofts, presented by Richard Warden, on a grant of the presentation hac vice from the abbot, &c.; at the Dissolution he was Abbot of Hagreby in Lincolnshire, and on the surrender of that home, had a pension from the Crown of 16l. per ann. John, Abbot, and convent of West-Derham. 1416, William Whytemete, introduced by the Abbot and convent of West-Derham. 1554, Edmund Cosyn, S. T. B. on the deprivation of Warter; introduced by Francis Baldero, Gent.

Richard de la Coppe; he was presented by the Lady Margaret Grey, widow of John de Grey Lord of Rotherfield, daughter and coheir of William Odyngsells, Knt. Beneath this Monument is interr’d the most Virtuous and Pious Lady, Elizabeth, youngest Daughter of Sir John Arundel of Lanbern in Cornwall, and second Wife to Sir Henry Bedingfeld of Oxburgh, Knt. Sir William Crosier, Knt. John Lord Grey of Rotherfield, defendent, of the advowson of this church, conveyed to Sir William; and within the 46th of Edw. And before this, within the 35th of the mentioned King, an inquisition “Ad quod damnum, &c.” was introduced, whereon the jury current that it wouldn’t be to the King’s prejudice, if John de Grey Lord Rotherfeld granted the advowson to the prior and brethren of St. John of Jerusalem in England. 1470, John Wilton. Ditto. 1451 Richard Cranwell. Ditto. Ditto. Oliver exchanged with Retford, for the church of Malberthorp in Lincolnshire. 1553, and was also rector of Thurlethorp St. Helens in Lincolnshire. Thomas Harvey occurs rector in 1472, ob. Thomas Styward of Swaffham-Market, son and heir of Thomas Styward of the same, deceased, granted to John Walpole, clerk, vicar of Swaffham, Thomas Beaupre of Well, John Heylet, chaplain, Osbert Mundford of Hokewold, Adam Mundford of Feltwell, and John Spelman of Stow-Bydon, and their heirs, his manor of Haspale in Swaffham Market, with liberty of a freefold, together with 50 acres of land in one piece at Shortlyng, known as Estgate-brech, and liberty of driving the sheep to the moor of Cootys to water.

Sex Education: Banana and Papaya 1470, John Gardener, chaplain, buried in St. John the Evangelist’s church, before the image of St. Paul, to keep up the green-torches, 2s.; to the gilds of Corpus Christi, Holy-Trinity, St. Mary, St. John Baptist, and St. Peter 2s. every; and the opposite 2 gilds of All-Saints, and St. Thomas the Martyr 12d. every. So that now there were no less than 7 gilds on this parish. The greatest similarity is that Islam, Judaism and Christianity believe there is just one true God. There may be nothing more or else to it, and there by no means has been, in any place or time.” –Frank Wilhoit “One idiot inventing one good joke is price a thousand scientists making a-bombs! Nov 4, 2023: 🔖 Read The US library system, once the perfect on the planet, faces demise by a thousand cuts by Brewster Kale (The Guardian). 1558, Edmund Warter iterum; he was deprived 15th of March 1553, being then a married priest, divorced and suspended from celebrating of divine service: and on the accession of Queen Elizabeth, was restored to his right; he resigned earlier than his death.

A battle to the demise between Crixus and Spartacus is arranged for the Capuan elite on the ludus. 1512, Robert Bedingfeld, second son of Sir Edmund Bedingfeld of Oxburgh, was pensioner of Corpus Christi college in Cambridge, and a benefactor thereto, by making the west home windows of the constructing, main from the school, to Bennet church (which was then used as a chapel for the school) at his personal charge. Here lyeth the Body of Dame Margaret, the one Child of Edward Paston, of Horton in the County of Gloucester, Esq; & the one Wife of Sir Henry Bedingfeld here additionally interr’d, an individual of extraordinary Parts, Piety and Prudence, who after 50 Years enjoyment of excellent Felicity in the Married State, pass’d 18 Years Widowhood, in an absolute Retreat, in the constant Exercise of her Devotions, and dayly Distribution of Charity, and departed this Life, January 14, 1702, Aged 84 Years, having first erected this Monument to the Memory of her Dear and deserving Husband.

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